This year our study is the Gospel of Mark
Grades 7-12
Join Our Youth Gathering.
If you are in grades 7 - 12
we meet the
2nd and 4th Wednesday
of the month
September - June
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
For more information
email or
call 631-589-5890
We do also have some summer.
Contact us for details
Student Ministry
The teenage years are bursting at the seams with new experiences, adventures, and challenges. As a result, they are some of the most formative years of our lives and we want to walk with you through them.
In his Word, God has given us instruction on where to find hope, how to discover truth, and kindle joy. Our goal for youth and young adults is to build a community around the Acts 2 fellowship model; from student sporting events to meals to outreach initiatives, we will do life together, grow together, and serve together. It will be fun, it will be challenging, and it will be centered in the truth of the Scriptures.
With so many outlets telling us the "right way" to approach life, we found that the only place we can find a tried and true standard on how to live our best lives is in the Word, and by following that direction, we will encourage, disciple, and pray for youth all rooted in the Biblical worldview.
Youth Group is current led by Michael Mingino and Jared Sullivan. Youth group begins with a fun indoor or outdoor activity/game for about 40 minutes. After, we participate in a small Group Bible study for about 30-45 minutes. We usually conclude with a good game of.... MANHUNT!!!